Resep Pengobatan Tradisional Indonesia Herbal Tanaman Yang Berasal Dari Alam

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lavender essential oil, tea; For healing headache and migraine

For healing:

· allergies

· anxiety & tension

· burns

· bites & stings

· cold sores

· cuts and grazes

· earache

· headaches

· hiccup

· itchiness

· joint pains

· muscle aches

· period pains

· poor sleep

· shingles

· sunburn

· teething

Lavender is a gentle pain reliever and should be part of every first aid kit. Lavender oil (unlike most essential oils) can be applied neat – rub a few drops into the temples for headache and migraine, or put it directly onto insect bites and stings. It will also act as a mild insect repellent. For larger areas dilute the oil – 5 drops to 1 teaspoon of Almond or Sunflower oil – and rub firmly into painful areas, e.g. over the womb for period pains.

Lavender oil helps to heal burns – gently spread neat oil onto sunburnt and sunburnt skin. 5 drops in a bath will help relieve tension and encourage a good night’s sleep.

Lavender tea has much the same properties as the oil but is much less concentrated and so can be taken internally – for anxiety, tension and low spirits, and for difficulty in sleeping. Take 1 cup up to 2 times a day.


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